Pavilion House
San Diego, CA

Type: Single Family Residential
Scope: New Construction
Area: 2100sf
Status: Completed 2017

Structural Engineer: Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
General Contractor: Precision Homes Inc.
Photographer: Scott Norsworthy

Located near Balboa Park in San Diego, this house positions itself as a clean volume of traditional white stucco, a material familiar to the area, and one that reflects the intensity of the Southern California sun. At just 1600 sf, the efficiency of organization is critical. The house is conceived as an L in plan with a 12 foot tall Living Room occupying the implied void of the L on the first floor - a sort of pavilion within the house. The result on the second floor is a series of spaces in constant engagement with light.

A large cedar trellis cantilevers to the South providing a place of shade from the high Summer sun, but with cedar blades set on the angle of the Winter solstice, allowing lines of light and shadow to give definition to the surface of the house.

A detached 500 sf companion unit occupies the rear of the property, mimicking the language of the house, and providing a separate dwelling for guests.


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